
Bulletin from 06-10-2024 to 13-10-2024 || Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, now available to view or download onto your Smartphones or Tablets

Sunday 16 July 2023



Isaiah 55:10-11

Psalm 65

Rom. 8:18-23



Dear friends in Christ, N'wokafu YESU KRISTO...

Being a good person is increasingly becoming unrewarding in a corrupt society like ours. To be 'successful', by the world's means, one must be able to tell lies, steal, and be ungrateful, to say the least. A deceptive and evil life is now not just the prerequisite for success and progress but also a celebrated vice. The successful and powerful are those who consistently plant evil. Honest and genuine men are mostly ignored or seen as threats. Sadly, many Christians have fallen prey to this erroneous social order in their quest to earn their daily bread.

Indeed, it is becoming exceedingly difficult to live and walk in righteousness before God and to act justly. Putting up a good and noble character appears to be a hopeless and futile engagement. This morning at Mass, we are presented with the Parable of the Sower as our Gospel text. A critical look at the text reveals how the sower was consistent in planting good seeds irrespective of the nature and the fruitlessness of the soil.

The sower went out on a mission of sowing and as long as the mission lasted, he sowed only good seeds. On rocky ground, he sows good seeds; at the roadside, he sows good seeds, even among the thorns, he did not hesitate in sowing good seeds.

Beloved, we have been called to be good people who will plant only goodness no matter the situation or outcome. We must persist in and be consistent in the planting of good seeds, notwithstanding the nature of the soil in which we find ourselves. Most of our good works will indeed be unrewarded and even go unnoticed in this world but we must never stop planting good seeds for though they may go unnoticed before men they will never be lost on God. (Hebrews 6:10)


Lord, may I be a consistent sower of good seeds wherever I go. Amen.

May God bless you.

Rev. Fr. Kenneth Debre

Sunday, July 16, 2023.

Holy Rosary Parish, Hohoe.

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