
Bulletin from 06-10-2024 to 13-10-2024 || Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, now available to view or download onto your Smartphones or Tablets

Sunday 16 October 2022



Ex. 17:8-13

Psalm 121

2 Tim 3:14-4:2

Luke 18:1-8


Dear friends in Christ, N'wokafu YESU KRISTO... 

In today's first reading, Israel fought its first ever battle unprepared. They had just been liberated from slavery and had no organized army or national military set up. They had no symbol of national identity. 

The Amalakites attack them in their vulnerability. The people of Israel had no choice but to engage in a battle with a well experienced and aggressive nation to defend themselves. Moses and Joshua engaged this all important battle from two fronts. Joshua and a few strong men engaged the Amalakites in the valley of interaction while Moses fought the battle from the mountain of intercession. After a miraculous victory, Moses built an altar and called it The Lord is my Banner (Yahweh-Nissi). He said, ‘Because hands were lifted against the throne of the Lord, the Lord will be at war against the Amalekites from generation to generation (Ex. 17:15-16). 

The implications of this profound statement is that, unlike other nations, the national insignia and military flag of Israel is God Himself. He who must defeat Israel must first of all defeat God. 

This will forever remain the unique identity and the difference between Israel and other nations. Other nations fight with well organized army and experienced military force but they fight alone. Israel, however, will never fight alone. 

That is our story too. Beloved, it is not because we are strong or experienced that we win, rather, we are alive and continue to surmount the challenges and battles of life simply because we are not fighting alone. We have a God who takes our battles as his own. Declare it then that 'the Lord is my Banner! 


Lord Jesus Christ, I am inexperienced in how to fight the battles of this life. May I always have you on my side. May my battles become Yours. Amen.

May God bless you.

-Rev. Fr. Kenneth Debre

Sunday, October 16, 2022.

Holy Rosary Parish, Hohoe.

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