
Bulletin from 02-03-2025 to 09-03-2025 || Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, now available to view or download onto your Smartphones or Tablets

Sunday, 24 January 2021



JONAH 3:1-5, 10

Psalm 25

1Cor 7:29-31

Mk 1:14-20


Dear friends in Christ, N'wokafu YESU KRISTO...

When you are lost in a big city and cannot seem to find your way, the words, "follow me" from a resident who is familiar with the locale is definitely comforting to the ear as well as the heart. In such a case, you, the helpless stranger must focus all your attention on this potential saviour and follow with an unwavering trust. In case you are following in another car, you will not even allow any distraction or any other car to come between you lest you loose your way. You are likely to switch on your hazard lights, slow down and follow your 'saviour' closely with keen attention on his direction indicator lights.

Because your life depends on it.

Many a times, the person you are following; being one who knows the destination so well, may use short cuts and connecting routes that may confuse you but with great trust in his knowledge, you continue to follow not bothering much about the fact that you do not know where you are or what is happening. You simply have the faith that you will get to your destination.

In our Gospel text for today, Jesus, in the course of His preaching of repentance and change of heart, called four of His disciples with a simple message, "FOLLOW ME".

The verb, "to follow" (akoloutheo) in Greek signifies an authority figure who leads and an ignorant novice who accompanies the authority figure. The ignorant novice follows closely with the determination to find that which only the authority can lead to. The authority figure knows the destination as well as the way to the destination.

Beloved in Christ, Jesus Christ is the authority figure in the mysterious maze of life. He desires humanity to follow Him so that He can lead us on the right path to our true destination. He calls us to stop wallowing in the ignorance and follow Him. 'Follow me!',  He says.

The fact still remains that we are all going somewhere and Jesus Christ alone knows the destination and the route to arrive there safely. He is the authority figure who must be followed closely if we are determined to find some meaning in life.

We, however, have allowed the distractions of life (cf. Second Reading) to take our attention from the one we are supposed to be following thereby loosing our way and our destination in life.

Our Responsorial Psalm sums up the message for today. The Psalmist, probably a sinner whose enemies are exploiting his faults and loose ways to disgrace him, prays to God to teach him the "right way". He is eager to repent and learn the way of the Lord.

Like the people of Nineveh and the four disciples in today's Gospel, we must also turn from our old, wrong, evil and ignorant ways to rediscover Jesus Christ, who alone leads us on the right path of life.


Almighty ever-living God, direct my attention towards your Son Jesus Christ so that I might have the strength to follow Him along the path of life with great trust. Amen.

May God bless you.

-Rev. Fr. Kenneth Debre

Sunday, January 24, 2021.

Holy Rosary Parish, Hohoe.

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