
Bulletin from 06-10-2024 to 13-10-2024 || Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, now available to view or download onto your Smartphones or Tablets

Thursday 8 August 2019


​Numbers 13,1-2, 25–14, 1.26-29, 34-35/Psalm 106, 6-7, 13-14, 21-22, 23/Matthew 15, 21-28


The First Reading speaks about the commissioning of a group of spies from among the Israelites to go and survey the land they were about to enter. This account affirms that the land that God gave to the sons of Israel was not an uninhabited land. There were different tribes or groups of people in the land, among whom were the Canaanites. The despatch of the spies reflects the normal practice of the time. As a nomadic people, each time a group approached an inhabited area, they first sent out spies to find out more about the inhabitants of the land, their military strength and their defence systems. A careful evaluation of the situation on the ground contributed to the subsequent decision, whether to attack the territory or not.

In our account today, the majority of the Israelites were afraid of attacking the inhabitants of the land. The spies told the Israelites that they saw giants in the land. Only Caleb was courageous enough to call the people to battle. The hesitation of the people showed that they failed to acknowledge that God was in control of their destiny. They failed to show faith in God who was guiding them. That is why God’s anger is manifested against them in the latter part of the account. God decided to punish the people for their lack of faith.

In our daily life, we also have to evaluate the situations we encounter. We have to decide how and when to act but we should never do it all alone. We need to seek divine illumination so that our actions may be guided by God. We need to show faith in God by acknowledging that he is the one controlling events and will guide us on the path he has chosen for us. We should not be afraid to cry out to the Lord when necessary. A bit of insistence can be helpful to show that we really need what we are asking for. 

The Canaanite woman in the Gospel Reading is a perfect example for us to imitate. She insisted on her request until Jesus gave her what she wanted. We can also persevere in our prayers until God grants us what we ask for. We should however keep in mind that ultimately the will of God must be done because he knows better than us and seeks our good always.

By Most Rev. Emmanuel Kofi Fianu, SVD

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