
Bulletin from 02-03-2025 to 09-03-2025 || Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, now available to view or download onto your Smartphones or Tablets

Saturday, 22 February 2025

Sunday Gospel Reflection: Kindness Toward All

“But rather, love your enemies and do good to them, and lend expecting nothing back; then your reward will be great and you will be children of the Most High, for he himself is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.” Luke 6:35–36

It is certainly difficult to be “kind to the ungrateful and the wicked.” But doing so is exactly what our Lord commanded us to do. And His command is not a command in the sense of being a burden. On the contrary, it’s a command that frees us from the ingratitude and wickedness we encounter.

Oftentimes, when we encounter ingratitude from another, or any other form of wickedness, we tend to react in kind. Our fallen human nature lures us into cruelty when faced with cruelty. We criticize, condemn, attack and get angry. But Jesus is very clear that this is not how the “Most High” acts toward the wicked. And it is not how He acts toward us. In the end, the wicked who fail to repent will endure the consequences of their rejection of God’s mercy. But until that final judgment, hope of conversion must always be present. And for that reason, we must never give up on another, no matter how difficult. Kindness shown to everyone, in every circumstance, goes to the heart of the mission we have received as children of God.

Think about the person in your life who seems unworthy of your kindness and generosity. Why are they undeserving? Are they truly undeserving? The truth, according to our Lord’s teaching, is that these are not questions we should even ask ourselves. Instead, we must fully commit ourselves to loving everyone who appears to be our enemy, and do good to them and to everyone whom we encounter. Though this is difficult, it won’t be if we understand the goodness that God has shown to us.

God has shone us perfect goodness, not because He expected anything back, but simply because He has willed to love us. If we want to be children of God the Most High, then we must reciprocate the love given to us. That’s the nature of God’s love. It cannot be contained. It cannot be selfishly received without also allowing it to pour forth from our lives. When we understand this, we will understand the reason Jesus instructed us to be “kind to the ungrateful and the wicked.” It is simply because this is how God has treated us.

Reflect, today, upon the unlimited love God has for you. It is beyond what you could ever comprehend. Reflect, also, upon the great benefit there is in opening yourself to God’s perfect love, kindness, generosity and mercy. The benefit is that you are able to be filled with that which you receive. And as you receive this love of God, it necessarily overflows into the lives of everyone you encounter, the good and the wicked. Everyone must always be offered this love. Do not hesitate, for God does not hesitate with you.

Most merciful Lord, You bestow Your abundant goodness upon all people, the good and bad alike. You never cease offering Your love and mercy. May I always be counted among those who fully open themselves to Your grace, and may I always offer this same depth of love to all. Jesus, I trust in You.

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