
Bulletin from 02-03-2025 to 09-03-2025 || Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, now available to view or download onto your Smartphones or Tablets

Sunday, 29 December 2024



1 Samuel 1:20-22, 24-28

Psalm 84

1 John 3:1-2, 21-24

Luke 2:41-52


Dear friends in Christ, N'wokafu YESU KRISTO... 

On this Sunday of the Holy Family, we are drawn to the household of Elkanah and its complex family dynamics. Hannah, the barren wife, eventually gives birth to a son. Her persistent prayer and trust in God have finally been rewarded. When the child is born, she names him Samuel, saying, "Because I asked the Lord for him."

Hannah recognizes her newborn son as a gift from God. She proclaims, "The Lord gave him to me." This realization will forever impact her relationship with the child, as she sees Samuel as a precious gift that belongs to God. Her decision to offer him back to God further affirms this understanding.

In the Gospel, Mary and Joseph also recognize the divine origin of their Son, Jesus. They accept Him as both a gift and responsibility from God. This acceptance enabled them to overcome the challenges they faced and they grew together as a family. When we truly accept one another, we can overlook limitations and imperfections.

No family is perfect; limitations and challenges often arise in every household. These difficulties can sometimes threaten the harmony and peaceful coexistence of family members. However, acceptance and the acknowledgement that each member is a unique gift from God—regardless of circumstances or challenges—can help maintain this harmony.

Seeing each family member as a gift fosters appreciation. A grateful family is a happy family. We must be thankful for each member and express our gratitude to God for the gift of one another.

As we reflect on Hannah's story, let’s ask ourselves: Are we prepared to accept every member of our family as a gift from God? Are we ready to return to God what He has blessed us with, trusting that He is faithful to fulfill His promises in ways we may not fully understand? Are we willing to express our gratitude to God for our families, despite their limitations?


Almighty God and Father, may the Holy Family intercede for our families, and may we come to see and accept each other as gifts from you. Amen.

May God bless you.

Rev. Fr. Kenneth Debre

Sunday, December 29, 2024.

Holy Rosary Parish, Hohoe.

Sunday Gospel Reflection: The Family as a Communion of Love

When they had fulfilled all the prescriptions of the law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, to their own town of Nazareth. The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favor of God was upon him.  Luke 2:39–40

Today we honor family life in general by pausing to ponder the particular and beautiful hidden life within the home of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. In many ways, their daily life together would have been very similar to other families at that time. But in other ways, their life together is entirely unique and provides us with a perfect model for all families.

By God’s providence and design, the family life of Jesus, Mary and Joseph was spoken of in the Scripture very little. We read of the birth of Jesus, the presentation in the Temple, the flight into Egypt and the finding of Jesus in the Temple at age twelve. But other than these stories of their life together, we know very little.

The line from today’s Gospel quoted above does, however, give us some insight worth pondering. First, we see that this family “fulfilled all the prescriptions of the law of the Lord…” Though this is in reference to Jesus being presented in the Temple, it should also be understood to apply to all aspects of their life together. Family life, just like our individual lives, must be ordered by the laws of our Lord.

The primary law of the Lord regarding family life is that it must share in the very unity and “communion of love” found in the life of the Most Holy Trinity. Each person of the Holy Trinity has perfect respect for the other, gives selflessly to each other without reserve, and receives each person in their totality. It is their love that makes them one and enables them to act together in perfect harmony as a communion of divine Persons. Though Saint Joseph was not immaculate in his nature, the perfection of love did live in his divine Son and in his immaculate wife. This overwhelming gift of their perfect love would have daily drawn him into the perfection of their lives.

Ponder your own closest relationships today. If you are blessed with a close family, ponder them. If not, ponder the persons put into your life who you are called to love with familial love. Who are you to be there for in good times and in bad? Who are you to sacrifice your life for without reserve? Who are you to offer respect, compassion, time, energy, mercy, generosity and every other virtue? And how well do you fulfill this duty of love?

Reflect, today, upon the fact that God wants you to share in a communion of life, not only with the Most Holy Trinity but also with those around you, especially your family. Try to ponder the hidden life of Jesus, Mary and Joseph and seek to make their family relationship the model for how you love others. May their perfect communion of love be a model for us all.

Lord, draw me into the life, love and communion that You lived with Your Immaculate Mother and Saint Joseph. I offer You myself, my family and all those to whom I am called to love with a special love. May I imitate Your family love and life in all my relationships. Help me to know how to change and grow so that I may more fully share in Your family life. Jesus, I trust in You.

Sunday, 15 December 2024

Bishop Fianu Condemns Post-Election Violence & Attack on Indian Priests at Nkwanta

Most Rev. Emmanuel Kofi Fianu, SVD, the Catholic Bishop of Ho and Vice President of the Ghana Catholic Bishops Conference, has strongly condemned the recent assault of three Indian Catholic Missionaries at Nkwanta.

The three were wrongly accused of stealing a government road construction machine, which they had duly hired for a project in the area.

Speaking at the diocese’s 2024 End-of-Year Grotto pilgrimage at Kpando-Agbenorxoe on Sunday, December 15, Bishop Fianu described the incident as unfortunate and called on law enforcement agencies to ensure the perpetrators are brought to justice.

The Bishop, who is also a member of the National Peace Council, further expressed concern over post-election disturbances in parts of the country. He urged citizens to denounce violence and work towards creating a culture of tolerance and respect.

Although the electioneering process was generally peaceful, Bishop Fianu noted that the subsequent disturbances were a cause for concern.

He called on stakeholders, including political leaders, civil society organizations, and security agencies, to collaborate in addressing the underlying issues driving the violence.

Meanwhile, the Bishop has congratulated the winners of the election, especially those of the Catholic faith, encouraging them to uphold the church’s values in their leadership roles, including promoting justice, compassion, and service to others.


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