Bishop Asare pointed out that many radio pastors now mirror
the Catholic Church’s practices to the extent of even adopting the same
readings used in Catholic liturgy on Sundays. “Listen to some of the radio
pastors. Every Sunday, they use the readings we use. When they started their
churches, they were using themes. If you are using themes, after three or four
Sundays, you are finished. So now they are copying and going for our readings,”
he said.
Speaking at a gathering of JHS and SHS graduates in the
Archdiocese at the St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, Legon, on October 21,
the Bishop went on to draw attention to the introduction of “Alpha hour,” which
mirrors the Catholic tradition of the Holy Hour.
He highlighted that designated times for praying the Angelus
among others are now being introduced by others as if they were novel concepts.
“They are copying us. We have Holy hour, now they have
created Alpha hour and Catholics are behaving as if they have not heard it
before. We tell you, 6am, 12noon, 6pm they are hours to pray the Angelus. Now
they are introducing it as if it’s something new. They are copying us so don’t
allow the copy to replace the original,” Bishop Asare said.
Source: Catholic Trends