
Bulletin from 02-03-2025 to 09-03-2025 || Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time, now available to view or download onto your Smartphones or Tablets

Sunday, 24 December 2023



2Sam. 7:1-5, 8-12, 14, 16

Psalm 89

Romans 16:25-27

Luke 1:26-38


Dear friends in Christ, N'wokafu YESU KRISTO...

Mary's question to the Angel Gabriel reveal her humanity and the reality of impossibilities as far as we are concern. The angel assures her and us of the fact God is not limited by human impossibilities. All that is required of us is an act of faith. When we take a step towards God in faith and generosity, He does what is impossible in us and with us.

David's act of faith and generosity led to the perpetual establishment of his royal household, a promise that is been culminated in the birth of Jesus Christ as being announced to Mary in the Gospel. Mary act of faith, despite her perceived impossility (how can this be since...), led God to break through the history of men.

Beloved, as we end the advent season this morning, let us pray for the strength that once again, we too will be able to take courageous steps of generosity and faith towards God, especially during this season of joy. 


Almighty God and Father, May the coming joy of Christmas make us strong in our act of faith towards you, our God. Amen.

May God bless you.

Fr. Kenneth Debre 

Sunday, December 24, 2023.

Holy Rosary Parish, Hohoe.

Sunday, 17 December 2023



Isa. 61:1-2, 10-11

Luke 1

1 Thess. 5:16-24

John 1:6-8, 19-28


Dear friends in Christ, N'wokafu YESU KRISTO...

Today is the third Sunday of Advent, also known as Gaudete Sunday because of the theme of joy that runs through the texts for the day. 

The concept of joy is a complex reality that continues to elude the grasp of men. We all want to be happy in life. We wish to feel good and fulfilled about ourselves and our achievements. But the question is where does true happiness come from?

The personality of John the Baptist is presented to us again in the Gospel text for today. John's disposition in his encounter with the Jewish leaders who came to inquire about his identity has some deep lessons for us. John the Baptist knew who he was and was not. His identity was clear to him. He would not allow himself to be forced to be what he was not. He told them, I am not the Christ. 

Beloved, there is so much pain and unhappiness in pretending to be what we are not. Many people have been hurt and many more have died in their efforts at being something or someone else. You can never be happy living someone else's life or appropriating their glory to yourself. What joy is there in taking or denying the glory that belongs to others?

The joy of Christmas is in God giving up His glory for us and we acknowledging, praising and worshiping Him for it. Our happiness is in bringing these glad tidings to others. The Christmas joy and the Good News cannot be horded, it must be shared abroad for the salvation of all. 


Almighty God and Father,  may the coming joy of Christmas make us agents of glad tidings to others. Amen.

May God bless you.

Fr. Kenneth Debre

Sunday, December 17, 2023.

Holy Rosary Parish, Hohoe.

Sunday, 10 December 2023



Isa. 40:1-5, 9-11

Psalm 85

2 Peter. 3:8-24

Mk. 1:1-8


Dear friends in Christ, N'wokafu YESU KRISTO...

In the first reading for today, the prophet Isaiah begins a new chapter of his prophecy by looking further, past their present woes, to greater things. In this hopeful vision of the future, He draws the people's attention to an important but not-so-obvious event of a lonely voice crying in the wilderness (desert). The not so popular voice keeps echoing to call the people to transform their hearts for a redemptive encounter with their God. All the directives needed for this encounter are stipulated in the message delivered by this voice.

The Gospel message, though coming to us regularly, has, in fact, become a lonely voice in the desert in our generation. Like the voice of John the Baptist, it keeps resounding, yet only a few pay attention to it. Our inattentiveness to the Gospel message makes it a deserted voice in the wilderness of our hearts. If only we would listen to it and pay attention to the divine directives stipulated in it, it would lead us to a restorative encounter.

On this Second Sunday of Advent, let us re-examine our attentiveness to the 'unassuming' Word of God that keeps coming to us every day.


Almighty God and Father may the voices calling me to transformation of my heart towards you never be deserted. Amen.

May God bless you.

Fr. Kenneth Debre

Sunday, December 10, 2023.

Holy Rosary Parish, Hohoe.

Sunday, 3 December 2023




Isa. 63:16-17, 19,  64:2-7

Psalm 80

1Cor. 1:3-9

Mk. 13:33-37


Dear friends in Christ, N'wokafu YESU KRISTO...

On this First Sunday of Advent, the beginning of the Church's Liturgical year, we shall bless the Advent wreath and light the first purple candle, which stands for hope. 

This first candle, together with the readings of the day, brings our attention to the importance of hope. But more than that, the readings for the day also point to an important threat to the hope in our hearts. That is fatigue and disappointment. 

Fatigue and disappointment are dangerous for hope. The crunching period of waiting that comes with hope and the disappointment that sometimes follows the firm expectations that we have can diminish or even crush our hope.

The context of today's first reading is probably the period of return from exile in Babylon. The people were disappointed in what they found upon their return. The destruction and the deplorable state of their homeland did not comensorate the glory and the fruitfulness that was promised. Their hope was dashed, and they were disappointed in God. But in their disappointment, the prophet sees and proclaims untiring hope. 

It is important that we do not allow pain, fatigue, and disappointment to diminish our hope. We must not get tired of hoping. For this reason, Paul prayed that the faithful at Corinth might be kept firm to the end. We must keep firm and steady in faith, hope, and love until the end.


Almighty God, please grant us the grace to keep firm in hope, baring all disappointments that we may face. Amen.

May God bless you.

Fr. Kenneth Debre

Sunday, December 3, 2023.

Holy Rosary Parish, Hohoe.

Sunday, 26 November 2023



Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17

Psalm 23

1 Cor. 15:20-26, 28

Mt. 25:31-46


Dear friends in Christ, N'wokafu YESU KRISTO...

Today's Solemnity of our Lord Jesus Christ the King of the universe, ends the Liturgical Year. 

The obvious message is that at the end of everything, Jesus Christ reigns as King over all.

Kings (rulers) are powerful people. They have so much power and authority vested in them that they determine the fate of nations and the destiny of their people. With this in mind, it is imperative for individuals and nations to choose and pay allegiance to the right kings. For, bad kings with no intention to fight evil and corruption are a disaster to nations and the poor 'powerless' but good people under their reign.

In our First reading, God proposed Himself as an alternative to the human shepherds (rulers). He will be a replacement to the selfish unqualified human rulers. The main problem of the people and the entire nation at the time was leadership. They had kings who were not interested in their destiny and development. Instead of caring for and feeding the people with the resources of the land, they rather feed on the people. They had become disastrous to the very destiny of the Land. 

God promised a new and alternative Kingship as a loving Shepherd. Under His kingship, the King will search for and rescue lost sheep (His people), gather the dispersed, lead them to green pasture and bring them to rest;l seek and bandage the wounded. He will be a good and caring King whose reign will bring life and hope to the nation and its people. 

Beloved, watch the kings you choose to reign over you. Your destiny depends on it. Our main problem in today's world today is its kings. Most are hyenas leading lambs like shepherds. Those who pay allegiance to them are doomed. Jesus Christ, the King of the universe, is the best and the only alternative to the inferior kings of our world. He is a King with a shepherd's heart. His reign bring life, goodness and hope to His people. 

The Twenty Third Psalm, our Responsorial Psalm for today, speaks of the state of those who have Him (The Lord) as their Shepherd. If only we (humanity) will allow Him to reign, our story would be different. 


Father in heaven, your will is to restore all things in your beloved Son, the King of the universe. Grant that the whole creation, set free from slavery, may render You service and ceaselessly proclaim Your praise. Amen.

May God bless you.

-Rev. Fr. Kenneth Debre

Sunday, November 26, 2023.

Holy Rosary Parish, Hohoe.

Sunday, 19 November 2023



Prov. 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31

Psalm 128

1 Thess 5:1-6

Matt. 25:14-30


Dear friends in Christ, N'wokafu YESU KRISTO...

We all want to be great and do great things, touch so many lives and change the world. We just want to jump ahead to the “much”. We do not want to waste our time investing in one talent and dealing with wicked bosses in the menial 'unproductive' jobs. We want to make It big and be “somewhere" and not “here” (our present stage). This mentality makes it very difficult for us to appreciate where we are now and be faithful in the little things. The ambitious eye turns to overstep and overlook the little landposts that leads to true greatness. In an era where many are on a career path, but few seem to be on a character path, our Scripture readings for today stress the simple fact that our apparent trivial faithfulness in the little things of life is preparing us for greater things in God and in the future.

The first reading presents a very simple woman as a model of a good partner in marriage. Per her profession, She is neither rich nor powerful but her reputation proceeds her as far as the city gates because she carries herself well in her simple task (duties) of being a wife, a mother and a hard working woman. Sometimes, just being “a wife” is all that God requires of us. 

Unlike the the third servant who failed woefully,  the first two servants in the Gospel were praise with an ultimate well done by their Master not mainly because of the outcome of their investment but because they were faithful in little things. The little things, my dear friends, are mostly the ultimate tests of our characters. Our ability to handle greater things will be determined by how we handle the one apparently irrelevant talent that we have now. The third servant failed because he could not handle his one talent, his present situation as a servant, and his so called wicked Boss. He was not faithful in little things. 

How are you handling your one talent (of a position, job, a family prayer routine, education, children or a partner)? It does not matter how 1st much or little you were given, but what your character (behavior) towards what you were given is. 

Beloved, God wants you to be faithful right where you are. He wants you right where you are now. Of course, it might not be where you want to be, but it is where you have to be to get to where you want to be. That is God's doing and do not forget, He is watching how you handle yourself in these small, seemingly unpleasant, stuff. That one talent is not a mistake neither the menial job and the wicked Master a purnishment. Always remember this!


Lord, please grant me the grace to recognize and be faithful in the “one talents” you put in my path as a step stone to greatness. Amen.

May God bless you.

-Rev. Fr. Kenneth Debre

Sunday, November 19, 2020

Holy Rosary Parish, Hohoe.

Sunday, 12 November 2023




Wis. 6:12-16

Psalm 63

1 Thess 4:13-18

Matt. 25:1-13


Dear friends in Christ, N'wokafu YESU KRISTO...

Today, our Gospel reading recounts the parable of the ten virgins; five of whom were wise and the others, foolish. The difference between the wise and the foolish was the extra flasks of oil that the wise carried for their lamps. These flasks of oil became treasured assets when the bridegroom delayed in arriving and the waiting period became prolonged. 

Beloved in Christ, it is wise to have an extra flask of oil at hand in the journey of faith. Life can be complicated and unpredictable. The bridegroom may delay, and the waiting period may become unexpectedly long. 

Life may present us with long waiting periods filled with hopelessness and terrifying emptiness that seeks to drain and dry the fuel out of our faith's lamp. To keep the flame of faith alive, we must have an extra flask of oil at hand; a source of refreshing and strength to keep us going when life expects us to power down and wallow in darkness. 

Beloved in Christ, our constant dwelling in the presence of God is our extra oil. Only the continual presence of God can keep us through the dark nights. To have the Lord is to have wisdom, for Jesus is the wisdom of God, and with the Lord's presence, nothing can shake us. (Psalm 16:8). Dwelling in the Lord's presence requires a personal relationship with Him; a daily commitment to know, love, and serve Him. It is in His presence that we are continually re-fueled for  life's journey.


Lord, may I continually dwell in your presence to keep refuelling my faith's lamp to keep it burning in the face of long dark nights. Amen.

May God bless you.

-Rev. Fr. Kenneth Debre

Sunday, November 12, 2023.

Holy Rosary Parish, Hohoe.

Sunday, 5 November 2023



Malachi 1:14-2:2, 8-10

Psalm 131

1 Thess 2:7-9,13

Matt. 23:1-12


Dear friends in Christ, N'wokafu YESU KRISTO...

Jesus, in addressing the issue of true greatness, ridiculed the authority of the Pharisees who sought recognition and power by lording it over the people. Contrary to popular belief, Jesus revealed that true greatness lies in service. With this revelation, Jesus revolutionized the whole concept of power. Great power no longer laid in the number of subjects and subordinates one had but in the number of beneficiaries. The measure of greatness then is the number and the kind of people benefiting from our service.

In the First Reading, the Prophet Malachi chastised the Temple  priests whose ministry no longer served the interest of God. Through this, we learn that any exercise of power and authority devoid of service to God and humanity, and which attempts to displace God from His rightful place in the affairs of men, is not a true exercise of power but selfishness and intimidation.

Beloved in Christ, greatness does not come from fame or popularity. No pile of college degrees or amount of television, radio or social media appearances can make a person great because true greatness does not lie in the number of people who 'worship' and admire a perceived great person on earth.

Like St. Paul, true power, the kind that makes us great in the sight of God, should make us gentle like a nursing mother, whose tender care for her child causes her to become like a servant to her child (cf. Second Reading).

May we also be determined to share, in addition to all other things, our very selves in the service of God and one another.


Lord, you have taught me that it is in service that we realize our true greatness. Give me the grace to be of true and acceptable service to all who I may encounter in the journey of life. Amen.

May God bless you.

-Rev. Fr. Kenneth Debre

Sunday, November 5, 2023.

Holy Rosary Parish, Hohoe.

Saturday, 28 October 2023

Catholics have abandoned holy hour for alpha hour – Bishop Narh Asare

Auxiliary Bishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of Accra, Most Rev. Anthony Narh Asare has said many Catholics are leaving the traditions of the Church for practices that are imitations of what the Catholic Church has been practicing for years.

Bishop Asare pointed out that many radio pastors now mirror the Catholic Church’s practices to the extent of even adopting the same readings used in Catholic liturgy on Sundays. “Listen to some of the radio pastors. Every Sunday, they use the readings we use. When they started their churches, they were using themes. If you are using themes, after three or four Sundays, you are finished. So now they are copying and going for our readings,” he said.

Speaking at a gathering of JHS and SHS graduates in the Archdiocese at the St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, Legon, on October 21, the Bishop went on to draw attention to the introduction of “Alpha hour,” which mirrors the Catholic tradition of the Holy Hour.

He highlighted that designated times for praying the Angelus among others are now being introduced by others as if they were novel concepts.

“They are copying us. We have Holy hour, now they have created Alpha hour and Catholics are behaving as if they have not heard it before. We tell you, 6am, 12noon, 6pm they are hours to pray the Angelus. Now they are introducing it as if it’s something new. They are copying us so don’t allow the copy to replace the original,” Bishop Asare said.

Source: Catholic Trends

Sunday, 15 October 2023



Is. 25:6-10

Psalm 23

Phil. 4:12-14, 19-20

Matt. 22:1-14


Dear friends in Christ, N'wokafu YESU KRISTO...

God's invitation to us is an invitation to a Royal Wedding Banquet. A royal wedding banquet is the celebratory days after the marriage ceremony of a member of the royal family. It is a period of relaxation and joyous celebration where everything, from food to entertainment even to clothes, is provided for by the host, who is usually the king. The invited only have to turn out and celebrate.

For a typical Jew, It is a privilege to be invited to such an event. It is a cause to be provided for, well-fed, and entertained. The invited are only expected to honour the invitation and turn out well-dressed in the appropriate regalia for a celebration and a treat of a lifetime.

This is exactly what God's invitation entails for all of us. God's invitation is an invitation to a royal treatment. He invites us to a life of relaxation, joy, and satisfaction. A life in which He provides all we need, and we just have to respond in the affirmative and turn out for. 

Beloved, God desires for us a simple, uncomplicated life in His presence. It is to this that He invites us. Will you honour the invitation?


Lord, may I come to appreciate the joy and provision that lies in Your invitation to me and, by Your grace, respond appropriately. Amen.

May God bless you.

-Rev. Fr. Kenneth Debre

Sunday, October 15, 2023.

Holy Rosary Parish, Hohoe.

Sunday, 8 October 2023



Is. 5:1-7

Psalm 80

Phil. 4:6-9

Matt. 21:33-43


Dear friends in Christ, N'wokafu YESU KRISTO...

Our First Reading and the Gospel for today made mention of vineyards. In the First Reading, what started as a love song ended in an allegory in which God expressed His disappointment in His beloved and cherished vineyard that enjoyed all the necessary attention but failed to produce good fruit. 

The image of a vineyard is a predominant biblical image because of the characteristics of the grapevine (the vine). 

A grapevine is a delicate and complicated plant. Its cultivation requires a great deal of care and attention from the farmer. A grapevine can either bear good fruit or wild grapes depending on the style of cultivation. A vine that grows in the wilderness without proper cultivation bears wild grapes. Anything short of good soil, protection, constant attention, and pruning will turn an otherwise good vine into a wild grapevine. However, with  all the necessary protection, care, and cultivation, a vineyard has no choice but to bear good fruit. 

Beloved in Christ, a Christian is a grapevine in a cultivated vineyard that has and continues to enjoy first-class care from God, the Master Farmer. With all the care and protection that has been given to us, we can not but bear good fruit. Some fruits, especially wild sour grapes, are just not acceptable from us. A grapevine in a vineyard can bear good fruits in varied sizes and quantities, but to bear a wild and bitter grape is simply unacceptable. 

The distinction is clear. We have received far too much care and attention to find ourselves bearing wild, stinking, and somehow poisonous fruits in this life. Reflect on all the good things that you have received from God and determine whether you are proud of the kind of fruit you presently are bearing.


Lord, you have invested so much care and attention in me, and you deserve a good fruit in return. But my ungrateful nature has produced wild grapes instead. Forgive me and in your mercy continue to take care of this vine, and protect what your right hand has planted. Amen.

May God bless you.

-Rev. Fr. Kenneth Debre

Sunday, October 8, 2023.

Holy Rosary Parish, Hohoe.

Sunday, 1 October 2023



Ezekiel 18:25-28

Psalm 25

Phil. 2:1-11

Matt. 21:28-32


Dear friends in Christ, N'wokafu YESU KRISTO...

Our society today is full of pain and disappointment. Man's ability to spew empty affirmations and promises continues to hurt him and those around him.

A lot of the pain and anxiety of our society today is caused by our ability to look at ourselves and our fellow brothers and sisters in the eye and say 'yes' to them, when we in fact, know very well that our 'yes' meant nothing at all.

Families: men, women, and children are suffering today because married couples stood before the altar of God and said empty 'yeses' to each other. The church of God is suffering today and struggling to maintain its authenticity sadly because it is full of Christians whose yes to God is totally empty.

The Chief Priests and the elders of the people were unanimous in their disapproval of the behavior of the second son in today's Gospel reading because he acted dishonorably. He said yes to his father but did not act accordingly. His action was empty and without substance. 

Beloved, an empty 'yes' is far worse than a lie or an outright no. It is a betrayal and a dishonorable thing. 

Christians are supposed to be honorable people whose 'yes' to God and fellow men means just what it is - YES.


Merciful Father, for the many times that my yes to you has been utterly empty and without a substance, I am honestly sorry and ashamed. I ask for your grace and courage to always say Yes to You. Amen. 

May God bless you.

-Rev. Fr. Kenneth Debre

Sunday, October 1, 2023.

Holy Rosary Parish, Hohoe.

Sunday, 24 September 2023




Isaiah 55:6-9

Psalm 145

Phil. 1:20-24, 27

Matt. 20:1-16


Dear friends in Christ, N'wokafu YESU KRISTO...

The landowner went out at the eleventh hour, when it was left with only one hour to the close of day's work, and surprisingly hired new labourers!

Everything about this move of the landowner was strange and unheard of in Jewish tradition. The Jewish day is supposed to close at the twelveth hour, which is 6pm, after which no one is expected to work, plus one has to work for a stipulated amount of hours to deserve a daily wage. Thus, hiring labourers at the eleventh hour was unacceptable.

'Eleventh Hour Labourers' do not deserve to be employed. They came too late and did not do much, and so do not deserve anything, yet the landowner employed them. He did not only employ them, he also paid them the same amount as those deserving of a daily wage.

Beloved, God's generosity towards us, especially those who are undeserving according to the calculations of men, is inexplicable. It goes beyond human principles, defies the human concept of justice, and does not concern itself with what others think. Indeed, His thoughts are far beyond our thoughts, and his ways are not ours.

Thanks be to God that it is He, rather than mortal men, who pays us.


Lord, thank you for the generous ways in which you pay us. Amen.

May God bless you. 

-Rev. Fr. Kenneth Debre

Sunday, September 24, 2023.

Holy Rosary Parish, Hohoe.

Sunday, 17 September 2023



Sirach 27:30-28:7

Psalm 103

Rom. 14:7-9

Matt. 18:21-35


Dear friends in Christ, N'wokafu YESU KRISTO...

Forgiveness is a complex concept. To be honest, it is a very difficult thing to talk about and even more difficult to do. There is pressure on us from all sides to forgive the hurt we carry in our hearts. Everyone including Those around us expects us to forgive. There are over 62 passages in the Bible that talk about forgiveness and not even a single one on how to forgive. 

Anyone who has ever been hurt before will understand how difficult and impractical the concept of forgiveness is. In the face of real injury and pain, many of us become weak and too helpless to handle the concept of forgiveness. The question of how we forgive and How many times we endure this unpleasant scenario comes into play.

Peter's question to Jesus in today's Gospel is our question too. Just like every painful experience, we desire to put a limit on forgiving those who consistently hurt us. Jesus, however, debunks the notion of limits to establish forgiveness as an attitude rather than a religious practice. 

We must develop an attitude of forgiveness. The attitude of forgiveness is very crucial for every Christian. The point is that, as long as we live people will continue to offend us. We will, one way or another be hurt by the action of those around us. Until forgiveness becomes a habit, an attitude something we do over and over without even thinking about it and its cost, we cannot be worthy of God's favorable glance.


Lord God, teach me to develop an attitude of forgiveness. May I be able to forgive all the hurt that has rubbed me off my happiness. Amen. 

May God bless you.

-Rev. Fr. Kenneth Debre

Sunday, September 17, 2023.

Holy Rosary Parish, Hohoe.

Sunday, 10 September 2023



Ezekiel 33:7-9

Psalm 95

Rom. 13:8-10

Matt. 18:15-20


Dear friends in Christ, N'wokafu YESU KRISTO...

Stationed on the city wall of the town, the watchmen of ancient Israel were accessible not only to the events of the fields outside the city walls but also to some dark secret within the city walls. He observes the daily lives of the people from his vantage point. He sees their activities in the streets at night and closely observes their work, habits, and lifestyle. 

For this reason, the watchman must take an oath of secrecy not to speak of his observations within the city. He is free to advise or warn persons involved in any immoral actions but not talk about it to anyone apart from those involved. The implication is that speaking about such secrets to outsiders will be damaging. Seeing your brother's sin is therefore a burden and not a privilege.

In the Gospel text for today, Jesus proposed the first step of a reconciliation process to be the one devoid of an outsider. For Jesus, this is the best and the most appropriate step in dealing with issues of understanding. It is only after exhausting this step that the involvement of an outsider, a third person, must be considered.

As spiritual watchmen like Ezekiel, the prophet, we are also tasked with the task of watching out for each other and keeping the issues and failings of our brothers as private as possible. It is wrong to discuss the so-called perceived sins of our brothers with others without first running it by them. We are called to correct each other with brotherly love and not publish sins.


Lord God, make us watchmen who watch and warn in love. Amen. 

May God bless you.

-Rev. Fr. Kenneth Debre 

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Holy Rosary Parish, Hohoe.

Sunday, 3 September 2023




Jer. 20:7-9

Psalm 63

Rom. 12:1-2

Matt. 16:21-27


Dear friends in Christ, N'wokafu YESU KRISTO...

There is a saying that the devil has no new tricks (tactics) yet he still gets people entangled in his web. On 13 April 1534, Sir Thomas More (a Councillor to Henry VIII, Lord High Chancellor of England, and a Saint), after being badgered and persecuted for years found himself in the ultimate decision-making point where he must declare his loyalty to King Henry VIII or be beheaded. In the course of this great confusion, Thomas' foster daughter, Margaret, asked him why he would not just take the oath and believe something else. Thomas would have none of that and so was beheaded. Then, and even today, the young woman's question may sound the reasonable and easy way out of a difficult situation and this represents quite clearly the world's way of dealing with challenging situations.

In today's Gospel, St. Peter tries to prevent Jesus from the horrible future He had predicted for Himself. Like every good companion, Peter genuinely wished life, not death, for Jesus. Jesus, however, saw His friend's goodwill as an obstacle and a distraction to His fulfillment of the will of God. 

Satan's tactics of urging avoidance of the way of the cross and sacrifices of life at all cost even to the detriment of the principles and values that we hold dearly are typical of the world we live in today. Like the daughter of Thomas More, many are those who think they can make their situations easier by "taking the oath yet believing something else." In other words, it is okay to call yourself a Christian and still be corrupt, unfaithful, deceitful, and indecent just to satisfy the self and the world.

The major threat to our Christianity is the temptation to conform ourselves to the devil's tactics by avoiding the challenges of the Christian life (Cross) and settling for the kind of watered-down Christianity that surrounds us.

Beloved in Christ, there is no better way for a Christian than the way of the Cross. It is the way of faith, commitment and sacrifice. It is the way of faith whereby we stare our challenges in the face and fight on until we gain our glory at last.

We must therefore not conform ourselves to the standards of this age (cf. Second Reading) but continue to sharpen and affirm our faith in Christ and follow the right path no matter the shame and pain it might seem to bring (cf. First Reading). 


Lord Jesus, grant to me the grace to not conform to the standards of this world but to be transformed by the renewal of my mind. May I prefer to embrace the way of the Cross rather than any other way. Amen.

May God bless you.

Rev. Fr. Kenneth Debre 

Sunday, September 3, 2023.

Holy Rosary Parish, Hohoe.

Sunday, 27 August 2023



Is. 22:19-23

Psalm 138

Rom. 11:33-36

Matt. 16:13-20


Dear friends in Christ, N'wokafu YESU KRISTO...

Imagine what it was like to be in an ancient city under siege. Outside the wall is the enemy - strong and ruthless. You know that other cities have already fallen to him. Now he is determined to conquer and plunder your city, rape and kill its inhabitants. You can only hope and pray that your walls - protective shield put in place by those in authority - will keep him out. This is what we read about in Isaiah 22; our first reading. 

Today's first reading is a prophecy concerning Shebna, a high ranking official of the Royal Court possessing enormous authority to help his people at this difficult time but who rather used the authority at his disposal to benefit himself to the detriment of his nation and its people. 

The personality of Shebna is quite an interesting character we must all learn from. The Bible tells us that he is the Master of the Royal Household. As the direct link between the king and the outside world, he oversees and controls everything. He is what we now know and call the Chief of Staff of the Presidency. As an officer in the the Court of Hezekiah, a good and noble King, Shebna was a wicked, deceitful, and proud man. According to some Jewish historians, he conspired with Assyria in the attack on Jerusalem. He was the enemy within - a brother in the face and speech but dangerous in deeds. With this character, he secured his position and future. 

In the midst of an impending national disaster, Shebna was preoccupied with building a monumental grave for himself. He thought he will be well remembered by the kind of grave he hewn for himself. Probably, he has gone outside Jerusalem with his mighty chariots to check up on this project when the Prophet caught up with him with a prophecy from God. "Go, proceed to this steward, to Shebna, who is over the house and Say: what have you here, and whom have you here, that you have hewn a sepulcher here, as he who hews himself a sepulcher on high, who carves a tomb for himself in a rock? Indeed, the Lord will throw you away violently,..." (Is. 22: 15-23).

Beloved, God sees and is in control of everything. He sees even the powerful enemy hidden deep within his people. At the right time, He will catch up with them. In this difficult time when we as a people and a nation are in great distress, trying only to survive, some who have the power to help are only capitalizing on the unfortunate circumstances of Covid-19 to enrich themselves and secure firmly their political power. Their actions like the actions of the enemy within are only making things easier for the enemy standing outside the wall and make life more difficult with no insurance for the poor man on the street. These brother-like enemies are powerful and cannot be touched. But God sees and will catch up with them at the right time.


Lord God, you know everything and sees all that is hidden. We commit to you the brother-like enemies in our midst. Expose them and bring their enterprise to naught. Amen.

May God bless you.

-Rev. Fr. Kenneth Debre

Sunday, August 27, 2023.

Holy Rosary Parish, Hohoe.

Sunday, 20 August 2023




Is. 55:1, 6-7

Psalm 67

Rom. 11:13-15, 29-32

Matt. 15:21-28


Dear friends in Christ, N'wokafu YESU KRISTO...

In His encounter with the Canaanite woman in our Gospel text for today, Jesus, directly or indirectly referred to her as a 'dog' when He said, "It is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs" (Mt. 15:26). First century Jews called Gentiles, and especially Canaanites, dogs. No matter how hard scholars tried to tone it down, it never became a pleasant statement. The expression is a terrible and extremely humiliating insult. (Read 2 Sam 16:9, 2 Sam 9:8). 

To compare humans to dogs or to call them so is to imply that they were of a very low status (Read Ex. 22:31, Deut. 23:18, 2 Kgs 8:13) and destined to eat only that which is not wholesome for men. (Read Prov. 26:11, 1 Kgs 14:11). So, for Jesus to refer to her as such was bad for the press. The fact remains that Jesus was merely another Jew who had once again referred to a Canaanite as a dog - one who is undeserving of the goodies meant for the children.

Of course, Jesus did not have any intentions of insulting the Canaanite woman. He probably threw this painful reality of her life and history at her as a test of her faith and resolve. Her humble but great faith prevailed over pain. It was only after gracefully accepting and handling what should ordinarily make her take offence that her miracle was activated.

Beloved, sometimes your breakthrough might be hiding behind your 'insults'. Allowing them to embitter you will only prevent you from receiving your miracles. As Christians, we must not allow insults of any kind to affect our faith and resolve. For insults, as bad as they are, can bring the good out of us. They can push us to push God with outstanding faith. Remember Hannah? Her miracle came when painful insults from Peninnah (her rival) pushed her to go and cry to God in faith (1 Sam. 1:1-11). She never fought or engaged in an argument with her rival; she prayed. 

Sometimes, God allows us to be pushed to see what we are made of, to see whether we will break away with bitterness or push back with faith. Come to think of it, we are nothing but dogs standing under the Table of the Cross, and the crumbs are indeed more than enough for us. 


Lord God, concerning me, remember that even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master's table. Amen. 

May God bless you.

Rev. Fr. Kenneth Debre

Sunday, August 20, 2023.

Holy Rosary Parish, Hohoe.

Sunday, 13 August 2023



1 Kgs. 19:9, 11-13

Psalm 85

Rom. 9:1-5



Dear friends in Christ, N'wokafu YESU KRISTO...

In our Gospel text for Mass this morning, we were told Jesus made the disciples get into a boat and go ahead of Him to the other side while He dismissed the crowd. It was Jesus who made the disciples get into the boat that went into the storm that nearly capsized their boat. Jesus knew very well the danger that laid ahead but made them get into the boat to sail anyway.

Beloved, sometimes Jesus is very much aware of the storms that lie ahead, but He sends us anyway. He sends us into the storm to learn in the storm and from the storm. 

Some of life's important lessons are learned in the storms of life. Stormy days are privileged moments to encounter God, who never takes His eyes off us.

Jesus was physically absent from the disciple for a moment and was out of their physical reach at the time of the crises, but He was fully mindful of their journey. His physical absence must never be taken for His unthoughtfulness of them. 

The mountain on which Jesus went to pray was a geographical position that gave Him an eagle-eye view over the entire lake on which the disciples were travelling. Jesus had His eyes on them and the boat. He knew their battle and their urgent need for His supernatural help. And He indeed stilled the storm.

Beloved, Jesus made us get into this boat of life, and His eyes are on us. He is mindful of the storms we face and would not allow them to overwhelm us.


Lord, may we receive encouragement in the knowledge that you are mindful of the storms we face and will still them. Amen.

May God bless you.

-Rev. Fr. Kenneth Debre

Sunday, August 13, 2023.

Holy Rosary Parish, Hohoe.

Sunday, 6 August 2023



Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14

Psalm 97

2 Peter 1:16-19

Matt. 17:1-9


Dear friends in Christ, N'wokafu YESU KRISTO...

Apostle Peter, one of the three disciples who witnessed Jesus' transfiguration, later wrote: _"we did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty."_ (cf  Second Reading)

Before setting off to Jerusalem, Jesus went up a high mountain with Peter, James and John to re-focus Himself on His salvific mission. Three of His disciples were privileged to catch a glimpse of His glory and the glory that was ahead of them and us too. So wonderful was this brief vision that Peter preferred to remain at that location. (cf. The Gospel). On that day, Peter experienced something that transformed him and gave a different perspective to his faith in Jesus Christ.

Every now and then, we Christians experience Christ and a glimpse of His glory in our lives, be it a touch of inner peace, a feeling of love or a miraculous intervention, making the message of Christ so much more real to us than a mere story. In the First Reading, God gave assurance to the Jewish people who were persecuted for their faith that ultimately, His glory will be revealed. He allowed Daniel, in a vision, to catch a glimpse of that glory. In much the same way, in stressful moments of our faith journey, God always has something to show or tell us to renew our faith and transform us into better versions of ourselves.

Beloved in Christ, Jesus' story is not a myth. The Christian experience in a personal and realistic one that is capable of bringing lasting  transformation. There is a transfiguration -total transformation- of life and situations for all who will climb the mountain of faith with Jesus Christ. 

The transfiguration of Jesus represents to us the hope of transformation for us and our situations. It means there is something better and brighter in store for us with Jesus. There is always something wonderful about going up the mountain with Jesus Christ: we are sure to return spiritually refreshed. For a glimpse of God's glory is an assurance of better days to come.


Lord, may I always behold in faith your transfigured face in all situations of my life and relish the hope of glory it carries. Amen.

May God bless you.

-Rev. Fr. Kenneth Debre

Sunday, August 6, 2023.

Holy Rosary Parish, Hohoe.

Sunday, 30 July 2023




1 Kgs. 3:5, 7-12

Psalm 119

Rom. 8:28-30



Dear friends in Christ, N'wokafu YESU KRISTO...

A major characteristic of the treasures of God is the fact that the best of them are hidden. Like every precious thing, they are only available to those who are diligent and deliberate in their pursuit for them. 

Today, at Mass, we have the privilege to reflect on the parable of the hidden treasure. A stated fact in the opening statement of the parable is the hidden nature of the treasure. Jesus explained, "The kingdom of God is like a treasure hidden in a field...” 

Hidden in the fields and in the dirt of this world are the beautiful treasures of God. Sadly, as it may seem, there is so much beauty, tranquillity, and goodness in Jesus Christ that many may not be able to find. Only the deliberate search of the wise and the attentive eyes of those who love the things of God will discover them. This is examplified in Solomon, who did not find this treasure in the obvious material wealth or the arbitrary powers of the world but in divine wisdom and discernment - a hidden gift that many would not appreciate. 

Beloved, the treasures of God are not common place goodies. They are hidden from the common eye. The gullible and canal eye will never chance upon it, let alone find. But if we diligently seek, we will find.


Lord, grant us divine wisdom and an understanding heart to seek treasures that are hidden. Amen.

May God bless you.

-Rev. Fr. Kenneth Debre

Sunday, July 30, 2023.

Holy Rosary Parish, Hohoe.

Sunday, 23 July 2023




Wis. 12:13, 16-19

Psalm 86

Rom. 8:26-27



Dear friends in Christ, N'wokafu YESU KRISTO...

Today's gospel text presents the working of a pseudo-agent in the parable of the wheat and the tares. This agent works under the cover of the night when everyone is asleep, and his actions are destructive and are set up against the good efforts of the farmer. He is a “sower of weed” and the farmer identified and addressed him as “an enemy.”

The weeds, even though bearing a striking resemblance to the wheat, are dangerous to the survival of the wheat and poisonous to humans and animals. They fight with the wheat over the land and essential nutrients. In addition, they are very difficult to distinguish until the end. That is what the enemy plants.

Beloved, the enemy is a sower of weeds. The devil is up at night, when everyone is asleep (spiritually), to plant what looks like the truth in an attempt to destroy the work of God, the Sower. But one thing is sure, that is, the truth can never be hidden forever, and what looks like the truth is certainly not the truth. 

The presence and works of the enemy, though hidden to men and sometimes difficult to decipher, are not hidden from God. His patience must not be mistaken for ignorance. Just as the weeds were gathered up and burnt in the fire, so will it be at the end of time.The Son of man will send His angels and they will gather out all evil doers but the upright will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. 


Lord, may the destructive works of the enemy not prevail against your wonderful work in our lives. Amen.

May God bless you.

-Rev. Fr. Kenneth Debre

Sunday, July 23, 2023.

Holy Rosary Parish, Hohoe.

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